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An Aurum Integrated Home™ is custom built around your lifestyle – going beyond what you need to incorporate every detail your heart desires. Collaboration is intrinsic to bringing your modern dream home to life, whether you’re building brand new from the ground up, retrofitting the family room with new tech, or upgrading existing technology during a whole-home renovation. The Aurum difference is our collaborative process, as we partner with your select team of architects, builders, interior designers and landscapers to create an integrated home that exceeds your wildest dreams.

The key to this success is making sure collaboration begins in the early planning stages. Right from the start, Aurum technology experts work closely with you and your design team to make sure technology never upstages design, but instead works to enhance every aspect of the mood, function, comfort and convenience of your home.

We’re collaborators

Listening to our clients is at the core of what we do. You know what you want in your home, but you may not know how to achieve it. That’s where we come in. We’ll find out what technology you want, educate you on your options and make recommendations to achieve your home automation goals. Then we work in close collaboration with both your vision and your talented team of tradespeople to bring spaces to life.

Every Aurum client is assigned a project manager who stays with you through the life of your project and beyond. Beginning in the development phase, we coordinate with the builder and work closely with your architect to integrate technology seamlessly into the plans. As the project begins to take shape, things may change from the initial prints to better customize to the space or based on feedback from the client. Need an extra keypad or to change speaker placement for better acoustics? No problem – that’s exactly what your project manager is there for. Whenever any changes or enhancements are made to the plans, your project manager gives live updates to the Aurum design team, who then redlines the prints so they are updated and ready to go. We coordinate every step of the process, so when the electrician or technology team walks in, everything is in order and we can get right to work.

We’re innovators

Our clients want the absolute best for their homes. We can provide that. We pride ourselves on creating unique spaces that elevate the modern home by seamlessly intersecting technology into every aspect of the project. From custom finishes and maintaining sight lines to controlling audio, video, lighting and security, we collaborate with interior designers to devise automated solutions that showcase or conceal technology, creating stunning, state-of-the-art spaces where function and convenience meet design.

We’re in it for the long haul

We stick with you and your design team throughout the project, walking you through the completed technology to make sure you’re at ease with and in love with your newly integrated home. From design and installation to monitoring and 24/7 maintenance, we stay with you through the life of your home.

You and your craftsmen won’t find a better partner than Aurum. You dream. We’ll do the rest.


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